
September 12, 2019

Shenandoah Here We Come!

After a great spring and summer of camping, boating and hiking on the flatlands and gentle hills in and around the District of Columbia, outdoor program Scoutmasters Neal and Collier have really outdone themselves.

Yes, we are going to hike up the highest peaks at Shenandoah National Park on September 27 – 29 and you are going to love it! This will include going up 4,051 foot-high Hawksbill Peak and a shorter peak known as Mary’s Rock, both of which provide fine mountain vistas. Make sure to have your hiking boots broken-in and have a lightweight rain suit with you in case of some showers.

We now have our new Troop tents. They are two-person tents with two doors and are lightweight enough to carry when we go backpacking. We have 20 of these rust-colored shelters and will use them for the first time at Shenandoah.

Maddy Murnick was elected our first Senior Patrol Leader and is appointing her Troop officers this next week. Her team will help determine where the Troop will camp in October and November (we always camp somewhere on the last weekend).

A number of new girls will be joining the Troop in September. The entire Scoutmaster Staff joins me in welcoming them.


Craig Burkhardt